T&T engages third- through sixth-graders by answering their questions about God and the Bible, guiding them through this pivotal life stage to grow in Christ’s grace.
Handbooks and large-group lessons deepen a child’s knowledge about God and His Word and teach how to put that knowledge into action in everyday life.
T&T is different from other Awana programs. It is comprised of two clubs with distinct curriculum, uniforms and awards:
- T&T Ultimate Adventure for third and fourth grades
- T&T Ultimate Challenge for fifth and sixth grades
Local churches can run the T&T clubs separately or combine them for Large Group Time and Game Time. In any case, the two clubs are designed to help kids stay plugged into T&T as they move into the preteen years and continue growing in their relationship with Christ.
Today, 10- to 12-year-olds, known as tweens, face unique pressures, demands and distractions. These factors can result in a marked increase in discouragement, apathy and disengagement. Christian children are not immune.
Awana has responded by updating T&T to reinforce commitment, identity and community for these kids and to give third- and fourth-graders a new club stage to anticipate. These updates also focus the attention of leaders on the unique challenges and needs of this age group.
The ultimate message to kids of every age group is that nothing is more important than their relationship with Christ and following His way of living in the Scriptures.
Parent Roll
Parents play the pivotal role in a child’s spiritual nurturing.
In T&T handbooks, every “Discovery” or “Challenge” begins with a parent page that explains how you can reinforce the truths taught in subsequent sections and help your child succeed.
T&T Bookwalks are online tools that walk you through your child’s handbook to help you help your child. Optional parent handbooks (Ultimate Adventure Book One and Book Two; Ultimate Challenge Book One and Book Two) from Awana at Home correspond to your child’s handbooks. These books make it easy to learn more about the Bible and answer your child’s questions as well.
T&T Ultimate Adventure teaches third- and fourth-graders that salvation in Christ is the ultimate adventure!
Kids in T&T learn that the Bible is true and they can firmly trust what it says. Each Ultimate Adventure handbook answers four questions about God and the Bible that third- and fourth-graders frequently ask. Clubbers learn eight answers to each of these questions along with verses to back up these answers. The handbooks include Bible studies and activities that allow children to go deeper into the subject matter. Before working in a handbook, kids new to T&T complete a short booklet that explains God’s plan of salvation.
T&T Ultimate Challenge trains fifth- and sixth-graders that walking faithfully with Christ is the ultimate challenge!
Each Ultimate Challenge handbook answers four questions about God and the Bible that preteens typically ask. Kids learn eight answers to each of these questions, memorizing verses that back up the answers. Bible studies, activities and service opportunities take them further into the subject matter. Before working in a handbook, kids new to T&T complete a short booklet that explains God’s plan of salvation.
T&T Ultimate Adventure In T&T Ultimate Adventure, clubbers earn an emblem for each Discovery completed. These Discovery emblems can be placed on the jersey to form shapes and patterns using either the Standard Method or Custom Method.
1 Discovery emblems
2 Extra-Credit emblems
3 Book completion pins
4 Special event emblems
5 Passport Collector pins
6 Handbook Review Emblems
T&T Ultimate Challenge In T&T Ultimate Challenge clubbers personalize their jerseys by choosing an award emblem and placing it anywhere in the white areas of the jersey. Clubbers earn an emblem for ach Challenge completed.
1 Challenge emblems
2 Book completion pins
3 Special event emblems
4 Extra-Credit emblems
5 Passport Collector pins
6 Handbook Review Emblems
Excellence Award
This award is given to those who have completed two handbooks or studies between third and 12th grades. The amount of work for the Excellence involves completing 2 handbooks and includes all associated activities. The recipient must have completed fourth grade or higher.
Timothy Award
This award is presented to those students who have completed any four of the third-through 12th grade handbooks or studies, which involves completing 4 handbooks and includes all associated activities. The recipient must have completed the sixth grade or higher.